Dance Machines. (2016) Tusia. Music by Wiktor Pdogórski. Camera by Wawrzyniec Skoczylas.
PrintScreen (2016), Israel
Visual Spa (2017), Poland (installation)
Bricworkspace (2017), US (workshop)
Fuse Factory (2017), US
PrintScreen (2016), Israel
Visual Spa (2017), Poland (installation)
Bricworkspace (2017), US (workshop)
Fuse Factory (2017), US
Dance Machines is a series of three work out routines that explore movement, individual creative expression and group collaboration to examine underlying assumptions about the way we interact with technology to relax. The project includes documentation from participatory performance workshops in Warsaw and Tel Aviv/Holon (the Print Screen Festival), manipulated footage, and exercising routines filmed in outdoor locations (such as water fountain and old garage row in Warsaw). The routines combine ideas from Delcroze, Meyerhold, and Laban to challenge the viewer to develop and/or foster a new, biosyntonic interaction with technology.